
We believe in the need for more nature in the world, and that restoring nature can be good for business.

Based upon our own ongoing scientific research, and years of consulting and problem-solving experience, we support businesses in protecting and restoring nature – ensuring that they benefit from doing so.


Selected news from Wild Business

Upscaling private investment in nature conservation: new paper featuring Wild Business co-authors (02/2025)

Wild Business support BBC as they make ‘nature positive’ a part of their sustainability strategy (01/2025)

The positive impact of nature conservation: landmark study includes Wild Business associates (04/2024)

British Ecological Society reveal that they are working with Wild Business on a journey towards Nature Positive (12/2023)

The Guardian News and Media Group publish their comprehensive biodiversity footprint, calculated by Wild Business (11/2023)

Release of “Biodiversity Net Gain plans: a quick guide for planners and developers”, from a team led by Oxford University including Wild Business contributors (08/2023)

Policy brief on EU biodiversity and climate policy published by University of Copenhagen, with Wild Business contributors (07/2023)

DZK (Dutch dairy sector) publish first part of biodiversity footprinting and safeguards methodology, developed by Wild Business (06/2023)

Wild Business advising the OECD on the application of Nature Positive principles to overseas development assistance (05/2023)

The Guardian releases an initial discussion of the biodiversity impact work being completed by Wild Business (12/2022)

Our study into achieving ‘nature positive’ for an organisation’s food consumption accepted for publication in Nature Food (available here in pre-print). Led by Isobel Taylor (10/2022)

New paper – led by Wild Business – on biodiversity net gain for large organisations, published in the journal Nature (04/2022)

Wild Business co-director Joe Bull part of a large EU-focussed consortium SUPERB, awarded funding towards major reforestation efforts across Europe (12/2021)

Working with engineering firm Balfour Beatty and CIEEM, Wild Business publish materials exploring social considerations in Biodiversity Net Gain in England (11/2021)

Joe Bull speaks to asset managers TT International about conservation and climate change ahead of COP26 and COP15 part II (10/2021)

Wild Business co-director Joe Bull awarded funding for major new wildlife conservation project in Uzbekistan (09/2021)

Wild Business provided background research that enabled University of Oxford to develop the biodiversity component of their new sustainability strategy (03/2021)

Wild Business co-author major new paper on a framework for achieving post-2020 global biodiversity targets (01/2021)

Wild Business supporting on the development of a ‘Benchmark for Nature’ with finance sector partners and the University of Oxford (ongoing in 2020)

Wild Business support Kering S.A. in developing their new global biodiversity strategy, published now (06/2020)

Launch of our new report, for the IUCN and International Olympic Committee, on managing the biodiversity impacts of sports events (04/2020)

Paper on how to achieve a post-2020 global biodiversity conservation agreement: net outcomes for nature (paper led by J W Bull) (11/2019)

Wild Business associates publish new report into the application of Natural Capital Accounting to a ‘case study ‘no net loss’ project (Baker & Oakley) (02/2019)

Major new paper published on the global implementation of biodiversity offsets, including a freely available data set (lead author J W Bull) (26/11/2018)

Guiding principles on how to consider people when implementing biodiversity ‘no net loss’ or ‘net gain’ (led by Wild Business) (20/11/2018)

What will motivate businesses to fund nature conservation? Read the debate in Science (including a contribution from J W Bull) (15/06/2018)

We explore whether fences could help support rewilding when reintroducing large predators (led by J W Bull and C J Sandom) (11/05/2018)

A sequence of new papers from Wild Business colleagues on biodiversity offsets in Europe, baselines in ‘no net loss’, offsets for marine bycatch, and a global application of the mitigation hierarchy (early 2018)

Read our blog in response to Professor Ripple et al.’s ‘Warning to Humanity’ (led by J W Bull) (18/12/2017)

Research uncovers unexpected public acceptance for international ‘biodiversity offsets’ in the form of forest compensation (publication led by J W Bull) (30/06/2017)

Wild Business release a report into the complex web of stakeholders involved in a large biodiversity offset project, the Bujagali hydropower project in Uganda (led by N. Esmail) (01/05/2017)

Assessment of the global use of multipliers in biodiversity offset projects accepted in Conservation Letters (led by J. Bull) (14/12/2016)

Rewilding Britain lay out the basis for a Rewilding Knowledge Hub (background work led by C. Sandom) (07/12/2016)

Two new publications on the topic of ‘no net loss’ in policy and for global species numbers are out, and receive extensive press coverage (both led by J. Bull) (30/06/2016)

Report into the feasibility of applying No Net Loss in marine environments, from UNEP-WCMC (advised by Wild Business) (13/06/2016)

New publication on the unresolved controversies in biodiversity offsetting (co-authored by J Bull) (13/04/2016)

Wild Business’ report into a biodiversity offset project in Western Canada now in public domain (by J Bull and C Sandom) (Appendices available upon request) (28/03/2016)

Wolves back in the news…article references work completed by Wild Business members (led by C Sandom) (02/01/2016)

A set of new papers all co-authored or authored by members of Wild Business published in the last 4 months (23/12/2015)

The many ways in which biodiversity offsets can be flexible – new paper out now (authored by J Bull) (05/09/2015)

How do you evaluate the physical and social context for conservation interventions? A new paper attempts to do so (authored by J Bull) (08/2015)

Today – the website launch for our colleagues and friends at Rewilding Britain (14/07/2015)

Book chapter promoting rewilding as a “radical” future for the UK countryside, now online (authored by C Sandom) (14/07/2015)

Publication exploring the danger for biodiversity offset policies to use the wrong baselines, in Australia (co-authored by J Bull) (25/06/2015)

Wild Business publish report on challenges to implementing corporate biodiversity strategies (authored by J Bull and C Bryant) (10/03/2015)

New paper published on the potential for perverse incentives to enter biodiversity offset policies (co-authored by J Bull) (02/02/2015)

Wild Business deliver a BBOP webinar on conserving ‘moving targets’, such as migratory species, using biodiversity offsets. Recording available here (J Bull) (04/12/2014)

Forthcoming publication, now in press, showing what happens if you apply different international biodiversity offset methods to the same country (authored by J Bull) (22/07/2014)

Publication on whether humans or climate caused historical mass extinction of megafauna (authored by C Sandom) (30/05/2014)

New paper on the importance of large herbivores for creating habitat diversity (authored by C Sandom) (03/03/2014)

Excellent article on rewilding in New Scientist, which quotes J. Bull and references Wild Business Ltd (28/02/2014)

New paper on the importance of the choice of baseline for successful nature conservation projects (28/02/2014)

Proceedings from the Rewilding Europe symposium at ‘Wild10′ now available (edited by C. Sandom) (25/02/2014)

New paper on measuring the impacts of natural gas extraction for biodiversity offsets (co-authored by J Bull) (15/12/2013)

J Bull blogs about biodiversity conservation on private lands (02/12/2013)

Wild Business participate in the ‘WILD 10′ conference in Salamanca, Spain (C Sandom) (07/10/2013)

New review paper presenting the challenges to biodiversity offsetting published (co-authored by J Bull) (15/05/2013)

New book on conservation biology featuring a chapter on rewilding (authored by C Sandom) (13/05/13)

New paper on interactions between mammalian predators and prey at a global scale with regard to species diversity (authored by C Sandom) (13/05/13)

J Bull blogs about biodiversity offsetting for Fauna and Flora International (18/04/2013)

New academic paper on biodiversity offsets released (authored by J Bull) (03/04/13)

Proceedings from a recent rewilding conference (edited by C Sandom) (18/02/13)

Recent article on business and biodiversity (J Bull with Corporate Citizenship) (12/01/13)

Blogging about biodiversity offsets in the UK   (12/12/12)


“Wild Business” is a trademark of Wild Business Ltd. Copyright for all photographs and designs contained in this website belongs to Wild Business Ltd.